Photo credit: Liza Summer, Pexels
Thank you J. for sharing this poem about a teenager who was admitted to a mental health hospital after attempting suicide. It's part of a series of original writing, artworks, and photography, which I'll be sharing throughout Mental Health Awareness Week, 2021. Thank you to the authors for your kind permission to share this content.
Laura’s Poem (6/7/13)
A cloak of grey,
A sky of black,
She sees no light,
Sees no way back.
To the girl that she was
Before hope was gone.
When her future held promise
And her inner light shone.
Her mind is four walls
That close in around her.
A moment of freedom,
Soon consumed by pressure.
By guilt because she can’t
Control the thoughts inside.
The feelings that rule her,
From which she cannot hide.
She can’t see her worth,
Though she’s the only one,
Thinks that life would be better
If there simply was none.
It’s hard to discern
And she feels so alone
But her family stands by
She is not on her own.
We all see the truth,
Soon to be unfurled,
She just hasn’t yet found
Her place in the World.
By J.
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